Activity Objective:

In this activity, you will configure a security appliance for a site-to-site VPN. After completing
this activity, you will be able to meet these objectives:

  • Prepare to configure VPN support
  • Configure IKE parameters
  • Configure IPSec parameters
  • Test and verify the IPSec configuration
Task 1: Prepare to Configure VPN Support

Complete the following steps to prepare for the IKE and IPSec configuration. For this task, you will use default values unless you are directed to enter a specific value. Your IKE policy will use pre-shared keys. Your IPSec policy will use ESP mode with DES encryption.

Verify that a static translation is configured from a global IP address on the outside interface to the internal host.
pixP(config)# show run static
static (dmz,outside) 192.168.P.11 bastionhost netmask 0 0
static (inside,outside) 192.168.P.10 insidehost netmask 0 0

Verify that an ACL permitting web access to your inside host has been configured.
pixP(config)# show access-list

Verify that ACLIN is bound to the outside interface.
pixP(config)# show run access-group
access-group ACLIN in interface outside
access-group ACLDMZ in interface dmz

Ensure that you can establish a web connection between pods from the student PCs using the static and ACL.

Enable the PIX security appliance to implicitly permit any packet from an IPSec tunnel, and bypass checking with an associated access-group command for IPSec connections.
pixP(config)# sysopt connection permit-ipsec

Task 2: Configure IKE Parameters

Ensure that IKE is enabled on the outside interface.
pixP(config)# isakmp enable outside

Set the IKE identity.
pixP(config)# isakmp identity address

Configure a basic IKE policy using pre-shared keys for authentication.
pixP(config)# isakmp policy 10 authentication pre-share

Configure the tunnel group type.
pixP(config)# tunnel-group 192.168.Q.2 type ipsec-l2l

Enter the tunnel-group ipsec-attributes submode.
pixP(config)# tunnel-group 192.168.Q.2 ipsec-attributes

Enter the pre-shared key.
pixP(config-ipsec)# pre-shared-key cisco123

Task 3: Configure IPSec (IKE Phase 2) Parameters

Create an ACL to select traffic to protect. The ACL should protect IP traffic between student PC networks.
pixP(config-ipsec)# access-list 101 permit ip host
192.168.P.10 host 192.168.Q.10

View your ACL.
pix1(config)# show access-list

Configure an IPSec transform set (IKE Phase 2 parameters) to use ESP and DES. Use the transform set name pixQ.
pixP(config)# crypto ipsec transform-set pixQ esp-des

Create a crypto map by completing the following substeps:
Create a crypto map entry. Use a map name of peerQ and assign the ACL to the crypto map.
pixP(config)# crypto map peerQ 10 match address 101

Define the peer. The peer IP address should be set to the peer outside interface IP address.
pixP(config)# crypto map peerQ 10 set peer 192.168.Q.2

Specify the transform set used to reach the peer. Use the transform set name you configured
in Substep 2.
pixP(config)# crypto map peerQ 10 set transform-set pixQ

Apply the crypto map set to the outside interface.
pixP(config)# crypto map peerQ interface outside

Task 4: Test and Verify the IPSec Configuration

Verify the IKE policy that you just created. Note the default values.
pixP(config)# show run crypto isakmp

Verify the tunnel group that you just created.
pixP(config)# show run tunnel-group

Verify the crypto map ACL.
pixP(config)# show run access-list 101

Verify that the IPSec parameters (IKE Phase 2) are correct.
pixP(config)# show run crypto ipsec

Verify that the crypto map configuration is correct.
pix1(config)# show run crypto map

Turn on debugging for IPSec and ISAKMP.
pixP(config)# debug crypto ipsec
pixP(config)# debug crypto isakmp

Clear the IPSec SA by using the following command:
pixP(config)# clear crypto ipsec sa

Enable logging to the console.
pixP(config)# logging enable
pixP(config)# logging console debug

Ensure that traffic between peers is being encrypted by completing the following substeps:
1. Examine the ISAKMP SA. Note the IKE peer and tunnel type as well as the state.
pixP(config)# show crypto isakmp sa

2. Disable logging to the console.
pixP(config)# no logging console debug

3. Examine the IPSec SAs. Note the number of packets encrypted and decrypted.
pixP(config)# show crypto ipsec sa

4. Generate additional traffic by clicking the Reload button of your web browser.

5. Examine the IPSec SAs again. Note that the packet counters have increased incrementally.
pixP(config)# show crypto ipsec sa

Task 5: Clear the IPSec Configuration

Clear your IPSec SAs with the clear crypto ipsec sa command.
pixP(config)# clear crypto ipsec sa

Remove all isakmp command statements from your configuration with the clear
configure isakmp command.
pixP(config)# clear config isakmp

Remove the previously configured transform set from your configuration with the
clear configure ipsec command.
pixP(config)# clear config ipsec

Remove all tunnel-group command statements from your configuration with the
clear configure tunnel-group command.
pixP(config)# clear config tunnel-group

Remove all parameters entered through the crypto map command with the clear
configure crypto map command.
pixP(config)# clear config crypto map


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